Puzzles & games


Bridge | 4 March 2023

I’ve always relished the raw emotion of bridge. Its old image as a gentle game for genteel people – what rubbish. It’s a game of passion; people explode, tables are upturned. That’s why we we love it so much. True, every bridge writer stresses the importance of partnership harmony, of never shouting, never blaming. But


Bot moves

Can ChatGPT play chess? A few weeks ago, when the AI chatbot was making headlines, someone had the cute idea of getting it to play a game against the popular chess engine Stockfish. At the start, it followed a standard line of the Ruy Lopez opening. But soon the illegal moves began – ChatGPT tried to

Chess puzzle

No. 741

White to play. Vallejo Pons-Santos Latasa, Leon 2018. The choice is between 1 Ke6 and 1 Rh8+. White calmly played the wrong one and Black resigned immediately! But which move wins the game? Email answers to chess@spectator.co.uk by Monday 6 March. There is a prize of £20 for the first correct answer out of a



2594: Dotty + Nosey

Eight unclued lights spell out the second half of a poem: ‘8 (4,5) 37; 1D (6,4); 39 (3,6) 40; 10 (3,5,2) 24 25.’ The title cryptically suggests its author.         Across    1    Gossipy quartet of bridge players play at last (5)    4    Accompanying Ford, Maggie’s oddly withdrawn (9) 11    Duty of French king

Crossword solution

2591: Get over it – solution

The theme word was FORD (in line 4), and the sets of unclued lights were 1A, 20, 21 (makes of car), 18, 39, 43 (US presidents), and 11, 31, 33 (characters in The Merry Wives of Windsor). First prize Sue Pounder, Ashton-under-Lyne Runners-up Michael Moran, Penrith, Cumbria; Lucy Robinson, London N16