The secret lives of poets
In Competition No. 3140 you were invited to submit a poem in the style of a famous poet in which they make a surprising confession. It’s elbow-bumps all round this week: an excellent entry. Douglas G. Brown reveals the raciness (gin; trollops) that lurks beneath Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s high-minded exterior. Nick MacKinnon exposes the jolly, ‘Kumbaya’-singing side of misery guts Larkin. And E.E. Cummings fesses up, via Christopher Davies: it’stime(i came clean)my typewriter(is)broken. Commendations to Peter Mills, Paul A. Freeman, David Silverman, P.M. Davidson and Lachlan Rurlander. The winners earn £25 each. Breathes there a man with mind so prim That he would ne’er indulge the whimOf borrowing his lady’s