Julian Knight was last night suspended as a Tory MP, following a complaint that was made to the Metropolitan Police on Wednesday evening. Details of the complaint are not yet known, with a spokesman for Chief Whip Simon Hart only confirming in a short statement that Knight no longer sits in the Commons as a Conservative MP:
Following a complaint made to the Metropolitan Police this evening, we have removed the whip from Julian Knight MP with immediate effect.
Both Hart’s spokeswoman and the Met have declined to provide any comment on the nature of the complaint. Knight, a senior backbencher, was elected to represent the West Midlands constituency of Solihull in 2015 and has served as the chairman of the culture committee since 2020.
He becomes the fifth MP to currently have the Conservative whip removed, alongside Rob Roberts, David Warburton, Chris Pincher and Matt Hancock. Knight will now sit as one of 15 independent MPs in parliament instead.