Steerpike Steerpike

Ed Miliband moves on from bacon sandwich gaffe

Forget the big election debates, the defining moment of Ed Miliband’s Labour leadership was his attempt at eating a bacon sandwich. In 2014 ahead of the local and European elections, Miliband appeared pained and confused as he attempted to eat a bacon sandwich in Covent Garden. The pictures that followed went everywhere as he became the subject of much ridicule.

So, Mr S was pleased to learn that Miliband has found a working man’s food that he appears to be able to eat in a normal manner. The MP for Doncaster North made a late night visit to the Yorkshire Pie House in his constituency last week. The restaurant reports that Miliband likes nothing more on a Friday than to ‘rock’ the pie house with his ‘buddies’:


As for his pie of choice? He’s a ‘chicken and ham kinda guy’. If only they had served pie at New Covent Garden Market, things could have played out so differently for Red Ed.

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Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from Westminster and beyond. Email tips to or message @MrSteerpike

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