Magazine Issue: 04 August 2018 More from Books Magazine: 04 August 2018 Owen Matthews At constant risk of violent death The intrepid couple, with their infant son, were at constant risk of violent death during their 40,000-mile journey through Siberia and the Kazakh steppes From magazine issue: 04 August 2018 issue 04 August 2018 Text settings Text size Small Medium Large Line Spacing Compact Normal Spacious Comments Share Share Owen Matthews At constant risk of violent death Copy link Copied Linkedin Messenger Email Thomas, Lucy and Alatau: The Atkinsons’ Adventures in Siberia and the Kazakh Steppe John Massey Stewart Unicorn, pp. 302 Sign up to Britain’s best politics newsletter Evening Blend delivers an in-depth analysis of the day’s political news straight to your inbox, every weeknight. SIGN UP Already a subscriber? Log in ×