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Spectator TV Presents

Britain's best and worst political speeches – with Michael Gove & his speech coach Graham Davies


Spectator Life

An intelligent mix of culture, food, style and property, plus where to go and what to see.

What kind of woman envies her daughter?

From Spectator Life

My mother hated Motherland, storming out after five minutes, saying Julia’s frantic school drop-off was too much like real life. She’d have loathed Amanda, the self-styled ‘alpha mum’. But I loved it – and was happy with the spin-off Amandaland, where Dame Joanna Lumley plays Amanda’s mother with gleeful froideur. When interviewed alongside her screen

Spectator TV

Ruari Clark

The delightful melancholy of an antiques shop

From Spectator Life


This week's magazine

Wasting away

Launching the Spectator Project Against Frivolous Funding

Michael Simmons

Introducing Spaff: The Spectator Project Against Frivolous Funding

All too often, the Prime Minister recently lamented, Britain’s public servants are happy languishing in the ‘tepid bath of managed decline’. There is, however, one area in which Britain’s public servants are dynamic, innovative and world–leading: at spaffing gazillions of pounds of taxpayers’ money on wasteful projects which are variously inane, insane and indefensible. The

Introducing Spaff: The Spectator Project Against Frivolous Funding

All too often, the Prime Minister recently lamented, Britain’s public servants are happy languishing in the ‘tepid bath of managed decline’. There is, however, one area in which Britain’s public servants are dynamic, innovative and world–leading: at spaffing gazillions of pounds of taxpayers’ money on wasteful projects which are variously inane, insane and indefensible. The


The good, the bad and the ugly in books, exhibitions, cinema, TV, dance, music, podcasts and theatre.



Paul Wood

‘‘Oh, that’s by Ed Miliband.’’


Harley Schwadron

‘‘Oh, just sitting back and letting algorithms do all the stock trading.’’


Kipper Williams

‘‘It appeared in our account the minute the school started charging VAT on fees.’’


James Innes-Smith

Steve Coogan should stick to comedy

From Spectator Life