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Russia's gangster regime, China-Taiwan & a new world disorder – Robert Kaplan and Michael Gove


Spectator Life

An intelligent mix of culture, food, style and property, plus where to go and what to see.

Why Roman gladiators were the first feminists

From Spectator Life

Chiselled out of stone in around the 1st century AD, the scene in this image gives a powerful snapshot of the excitement of gladiatorial combat. In this carving found in Turkey – once a key part of the Roman empire – the opponents face each other head-on, with a look of grim determination. From behind their curved

Spectator TV

Madeline Grant

Make Bond great again

From Spectator Life


This week's magazine

Nigel’s gang

Reform’s plan for power

Nigel’s gang: Reform’s plan for power

A year ago, Reform party aides found themselves in a cramped office in Victoria, London, bickering about chairs. ‘There weren’t enough seats to go around,’ recalls a staffer. These days there are no such issues. Leading in the polls and with five MPs in tow, Nigel Farage’s party has moved to Westminster’s Millbank Tower. This

Nigel’s gang: Reform’s plan for power

A year ago, Reform party aides found themselves in a cramped office in Victoria, London, bickering about chairs. ‘There weren’t enough seats to go around,’ recalls a staffer. These days there are no such issues. Leading in the polls and with five MPs in tow, Nigel Farage’s party has moved to Westminster’s Millbank Tower. This


The good, the bad and the ugly in books, exhibitions, cinema, TV, dance, music, podcasts and theatre.

Real artists have nothing to fear from AI

From the magazine

Christie’s is making digital-art history again – or at least trying to. Between 20 February and 5 March, it is hosting Augmented Intelligence, the first major auction dedicated solely to AI-generated art. This follows a series of headline-grabbing stunts, including the first major sale of an AI-generated artwork in 2018 – ‘Portrait of Edmond de



Nick Newman

‘‘Unfortunately we can’t afford a gun to go with it.’’



‘‘I’ve been expecting you, Mr Bond’’



‘‘On the bright side, women’s sport has got a lot faster...’’
