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Andrew Roberts hits back at Churchill revisionist Darryl Cooper from the Tucker Carlson show


Spectator Life

An intelligent mix of culture, food, style and property, plus where to go and what to see.

Britain needs more royals

From Spectator Life

If King Charles wants a ‘slimmed down’, low-calorie royal family, we can thank Queen Victoria for bequeathing us the plus-size version. Responding in horror to the antics of her naughty uncles, who raked about being unsuitable and having mistresses, she set herself and her nine children to public duty and procreation: go forth and multiply,

Spectator TV

Philip Womack

Britain needs more royals

From Spectator Life


This week's magazine

Nigel’s next target

Reform’s plan for Labour

Katy Balls

Nigel’s next target: Reform has Labour in its sights

At this weekend’s Reform conference in Birmingham, the opening speech will be given by a man who wasn’t even a member of the party until four months ago. James McMurdock stood in what was once a Tory safe seat. Against the odds and after three recounts, he won, and is now Reform’s accidental member of

Nigel’s next target: Reform has Labour in its sights

At this weekend’s Reform conference in Birmingham, the opening speech will be given by a man who wasn’t even a member of the party until four months ago. James McMurdock stood in what was once a Tory safe seat. Against the odds and after three recounts, he won, and is now Reform’s accidental member of


The good, the bad and the ugly in books, exhibitions, cinema, TV, dance, music, podcasts and theatre.

The problem with Klaus Makela

From the magazine

Klaus Makela is kind of a big deal. He’s a pupil of the Finnish conducting guru Jorma Panula – the so-called ‘Yoda of conducting’ – and he’s chief conductor of the Oslo Philharmonic as well as the Orchestre de Paris. Within the next three years he’s scheduled to take the baton at both the Chicago



Nick Newman

‘‘How much access can I get for a pair of trousers?’’


Monica Porter

The truth about the wild Sixties

From Spectator Life