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An intelligent mix of culture, food, style and property, plus where to go and what to see.

Nobel winners are strange. I should know, I’ve met three of them

From Spectator Life

To meet one winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature would be seen by most bookish nerds like me as a real privilege; to meet two as extraordinarily lucky; but to enjoy extended encounters with three is surely very heaven. Such, however, has been my fortunate fate. The Nobel Prize for Literature is the world’s

Spectator TV

Lara Prendergast

What to do with school photos

From Spectator Life


This week's magazine


Ed Miliband’s empty energy promise

Ross Clark

Miliband’s empty energy promise

Though not quite up there with history’s great political texts, Ed Miliband’s letter this week to the director of the ESO, which runs Britain’s national grid, is a rather important document. It reveals – or confirms – that Labour has committed itself to decarbonising Britain’s electricity system by 2030 without really having any idea of

Miliband’s empty energy promise

Though not quite up there with history’s great political texts, Ed Miliband’s letter this week to the director of the ESO, which runs Britain’s national grid, is a rather important document. It reveals – or confirms – that Labour has committed itself to decarbonising Britain’s electricity system by 2030 without really having any idea of


The good, the bad and the ugly in books, exhibitions, cinema, TV, dance, music, podcasts and theatre.



Nick Newman

‘‘Baker Street... what are the schools like?’’


Nick Newman

‘‘You can always spot the pushy parents.’’


Kipper Williams

‘‘We’ll use the money we saved taking him out of private school to pay the fines for taking him out of state school.’’
