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Douglas Murray on the JFK files, where Covid came from & conspiracy culture


Spectator Life

An intelligent mix of culture, food, style and property, plus where to go and what to see.

Recollections of a 1980s indie kid

From Spectator Life

It is the evening of Monday 23 September 1985. A band called the June Brides are playing a free gig in the bar of Manchester Polytechnic’s Students Union, the Mandela Building (of course) on Oxford Road. I find myself among the audience of freshers’ week first-year undergraduates. I am 18, a small-town boy who’s been

Spectator TV

Robin Ashenden

Will TfL kill off another London institution?

From Spectator Life


This week's magazine

Power players

The age of the strongman

Will Trump join the strongman club?

The world’s most exclusive club, of presidents-for-life, is growing. It already includes Putin of Russia, Xi of China, Lukashenko of Belarus, Sisi of Egypt and Kim of North Korea. Then there are the other permanent rulers, MBS of Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf monarchies, not forgetting Khamenei of Iran, and half a

Will Trump join the strongman club?

The world’s most exclusive club, of presidents-for-life, is growing. It already includes Putin of Russia, Xi of China, Lukashenko of Belarus, Sisi of Egypt and Kim of North Korea. Then there are the other permanent rulers, MBS of Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf monarchies, not forgetting Khamenei of Iran, and half a


The good, the bad and the ugly in books, exhibitions, cinema, TV, dance, music, podcasts and theatre.

Ridiculously fun: Assassin’s Creed – Shadows reviewed

From the magazine

Grade: A Sometimes you want to admire the pluck and inventiveness of an indie developer. At other times, you just want to sink into some thumping AAA franchise that’s thrown all the time, design talent and VC megabucks in the world at the screen. The new Assassin’s Creed has you covered there. Irresistibly, it’s set




‘‘Are you “can’t work” or “won’t work”?’’


Flora Watkins

Do you have Dryrobophobia?

From Spectator Life