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Spectator Life

An intelligent mix of culture, food, style and property, plus where to go and what to see.

Like all middle-aged men, I’ve become Alan Partridge

From Spectator Life

Steve Coogan confessed in a recent interview on BBC1’s The One Show that he is morphing into his alter ego Alan Partridge. ‘There’s almost a complete overlap in the Venn diagram,’ he admitted, ‘by this time next year I will have completely become Alan.’ Maybe he was joking, but I suspect he kind of meant

Spectator TV

Julie Burchill

The irritating rise of the bourgeois footie fan

From Spectator Life


This week's magazine


Keir Starmer will govern through the courts

Ross Clark

How Keir Starmer plans to rule through the courts

Never mind Labour’s promise not to raise income tax, national insurance or VAT – the party will soon be jacking up taxes for everyone. That sums up the Conservatives’ attack line for this election campaign. But in focusing almost wholly on tax, the Tories are missing what threatens to become the real theme of a

How Keir Starmer plans to rule through the courts

Never mind Labour’s promise not to raise income tax, national insurance or VAT – the party will soon be jacking up taxes for everyone. That sums up the Conservatives’ attack line for this election campaign. But in focusing almost wholly on tax, the Tories are missing what threatens to become the real theme of a


The good, the bad and the ugly in books, exhibitions, cinema, TV, dance, music, podcasts and theatre.

Why you should never watch sci-fi series on streaming channels

From the magazine

Jason Dessen, the hero (and, as you’ll discover shortly, anti-hero) of Apple TV’s latest sci-fi caper Dark Matter, is a physics professor at a second-rate university in Chicago. You can tell he’s not that good at his job because he introduces the concept of Schrödinger’s cat (surely the only interesting bit in the entirety of




‘‘A donation of just £50 will buy a child a Sky dish.’’


Nick Newman

‘‘I’m really excited about being apathetic.’’


Sean Thomas

The forgotten forests of Italy

From Spectator Life