Secularists need to prioritise their targets

I was on the BBC on Sunday morning discussing the government’s new counter-extremism legislation. Unusually for a discussion on this area the debate seemed to me to be constructive and engaging.  Perhaps this is a reflection of the changed political weather. But there was one strange thing – which is why I mention it here –


Introducing David ‘London’ Lammy and John ‘Flashy’ Whittingdale

Given that a horde of new MPs have recently descended on Parliament, it’s understandable that staff may have some difficulty remembering everyone’s name. Still, Mr S would have thought that any confusion could have been cleared up by simply looking to Hansard, which provides a report of proceedings of both the House of Commons and the House of Lords. However,

Nigel Farage insists he has future plans for Suzanne Evans

Peace appears to have broken out across Ukip, albeit after Nigel Farage has stamped down on those who criticised him. Suzanne Evans is the latest casualty of the Ukip wars, with her job as Head of Policy coming to an end. While Mark Reckless is rumoured to have been offered the role, Evans is stepping aside gracefully:

The Spectator at war: Trialling terror

From ‘The Trial Runs‘, The Spectator, 22 May 1915: LONDON is busy with rumours just now as to an imminent air raid upon the capital by German aircraft. It may be that some definite piece of information has leaked out of Germany, but it is just as likely that the rumours are due to one

Is Mark Reckless set to become Ukip’s Head of Policy?

Mark Reckless has been rather quiet during the recent Ukip wars. After losing Rochester & Strood to the Conservatives, it has been expected he would return to the party in some role or another. Now, it is rumoured that he will become the party’s new Head of Policy – replacing Suzanne Evans, who wrote the


Jeremy Paxman: BBC licence fee can’t last

Although Jeremy Paxman spent several decades working for the BBC, the presenter took an opportunity at a Royal Television Society talk today to cast doubt over its future. With the BBC’s charter renewal looming, the former Newsnight presenter said that the TV licence ‘can’t last’: ‘As platforms become interchangeable, as computers and televisions become indistinguishable, a tax on the


Karen Danczuk comes out in defence of Sally Bercow

Of all the MPs’ wives, Karen Danczuk and Sally Bercow may have amassed the most column inches. So perhaps it’s not surprising that in the wake of Sally’s latest news, Danczuk has come to her defence. Writing in this week’s issue of the women’s magazine Closer, Danczuk, who says she has been described as ‘the new Sally

Isabel Hardman

The Labour leadership checklist

There seems to be a checklist for Labour leadership hopefuls which all of them are very keen to tick off. When launching a campaign, a candidate must say that their party has just suffered a terrible defeat from which a number of profound lessons must be learned. These lessons all seem to be rather similar,


Don’t Labour tax advisers pop up in the funniest places?

Remember Jolyon Maugham, the QC who had fifteen minutes of fame during the General Election campaign when he ‘advised Labour on its non-dom tax crackdown’? As the Telegraph reported at the time: ‘Ed Balls, the shadow chancellor, cited Jolyon Maugham as an independent expert who had backed the policy and had forecast that it would raise

Inflation is now below zero – just rejoice at that news

After a couple of months of teasing the rate of inflation fell below zero to -0.1 per cent in the year to April, thanks largely to the falling costs of good and transport, especially air fares (something that’s affected by when Easter falls). It’s the first time that CPI inflation has fallen below zero since